martedì 31 ottobre 2017

Sutton Hoo

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Sutton Hoo is the site of two cemeteries. One contained a ship burial, including a wealth of Anglo-Saxon artefacts, most of which are in the British Museum of London. The site is in the care of the National Trust. Sutton Hoo is important to early medieval historians because it sheds light on a period of English history that is the margin between myth, legend and historical documentation. The ship burial is one of the most magnificent archaeological finds in England for its size and completeness. although it is the ship burial that commands the greatest attention from the tourists, two separate cemeteries also have rich historical meaning because of their position in reletion to the Deben estuary and the North Sea.

lunedì 23 ottobre 2017

the origin of tattoo

Risultati immagini per tattooWe can find an example of tattoo in the Neolithic, in fact the first tattoo were found on a mummy, but tattoos were born in Polynesia and the word tattoo came from "Tatau" that was the typical Polynesian tattoo. Tattoos were used to decorate body and to scare enemies. I like tattoo but not the big ones because I think that they are disgusting, I love little tattoo because I think that with tattoo you can express your identity so I'd like to have one.

giovedì 12 ottobre 2017

Figo the hero

Figo is a dog for blind people. In 2014 a blind lady and the dog went out for a walk but when the lady was crossing the road a school bus was investing her but the dog saved her, pushing her away. In this way the dog was wounded in her place, but he didn't care until he saw her mistress safe.
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Legend of Gelert

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Many years ago in a castle there was a prince. He loved hunting and his favorite hunting dog was called "Gelert". The prince had a wife, but she died when his son was born, and the prince promised to his wife to protect the baby. One day he was preparing yo go out hunting and when he called his dog he discovered that he was disappeared so he decided to go alone. He went to  his son's room and left him in the cradle and he went hunting. When hi came back home, he went in the baby's room and he found a lot of blood and the cradle was upside down and the dog came out behind the cradle and he was full of blood, so the prince thought that Gelert had killed his son and he decided to kill him. Later he heard the baby that was crying and when he saw behind the cradle he found the baby and a dead wolf. When he found the baby he understood that the dog saved his baby from the wolf. The legend says that the prince never smiled again and he decided to put the body of the dog outside the castle, near the river, and on the grave is written "BeddGelert".